Untitled 111

Our Capabilities

A professional research service provider established in Hong Kong since 2005.


MOV’s Capabilities

We offer all-round market research services across the Great China Region

  • Both quantitative and qualitative research projects;
  • Both full service studies customized ad-hoc and tracking studies and field-and-tab projects

MOV’s Capabilities

We have over 20-30 years’ extensive knowledge and experience

MOV’s Capabilities

We have proven quality. We have established a long term working relationship with many…

  • Private organisations and professional marketers;
  • Government departments;
  • Public organizations;
  • Academic institutions;
  • Market research experts and companies.

MOV’s Capabilities

We have the largest experienced fieldwork force

  • 2 Operations Directors, 2 Fieldwork Directors, 8 Project Managers, 10 Supervisors, 8 Assistant Supervisors, 80 full-time interviewers and 250 regular part-time interviewers in Hong Kong
  • Most of our staff are very stable. Many of them have joined MOV since its establishment.

MOV’s Capabilities

Quantitative Manpower Resources

  • Specialized fieldwork teams – composed of a large pool of stable and experienced interviewers, to conduct outdoor and telephone survey projects.

MOV’s Capabilities

Quantitative Facilities

Large scale telephone interviewing and monitoring facilities for local and long distance interviews across the Greater China Region.

  • Over 80 sound proof partitioned telephone interviewing stations (with potential expandability).
  • Real time quality monitoring on site.
  • Interviews can be audio recorded for internal quality checking with respondent’s consent.

Our office is well equipped with up to standard group facilities for qualitative projects

  • –We have one function room and one conference room for moderation. They are well equipped with one-way mirror, CCTV viewing facilities and audio and visual recording systems